
This to the webpage for the EvoGen Munich meeting.


The goal of this first meeting is to start building a local community: simply get together, share our work and chat over coffee and beer. The meeting will take place on the 5th and 6th of October 2023 in Munich city centre.


The meeting will take place on the veterinary campus of LMU near the English garden (on Veterinärstraße) and we will take care of catering and coffees. We will open registration over the summer - we expect the cost to be ~120EUR


UPDATE 05.09.2023


The EvoGenMunich kickoff-meeting is drawing close. Approximately 60 people have registered so far, and upon request from several groups we have re-opened the registration again until the end of this week https://evogenmunich.sciencesconf.org/.

Due to the overall positive response of most labs, we can only accommodate one 30 min. time slot per group. Each group organizes their time freely, but we encourage mixing an overview of the lab’s research interests with a more specific project providing younger researchers with the opportunity to present as well (e.g. 10 min PI, 2x10 min group). In the registration list we have identified the following 18 labs for which we will reserve a slot: Baldwin, Becker, Dingemanse, Enard, Frantz, Frank, Hellmann, Kamal (Mayer?), Krebs, Kuepper, Medugorac, Merrill, Metzler, Müller, Schneeberger, Tellier, Wörheide, Wolf. Please get back to us if you are not listed here, but should be. Please also make sure we have at least one abstract per lab which will be uploaded to our https://evogenmunich.de/events/ website (most labs have provided at least one through the registration platform already).

A major goal of this meeting is getting to know each other and thinking about ways forward of how to best build a community. We have reserved a time slot at the end of the symposium for an open plenary discussion where we would like to talk about subjects that may concern many of us. This may include methodological aspects (shared sequencing and compute facilities), education of our students (relevant coursework that can be shared), exchange of expertise (workshops, common platforms) or shared research initiatives. Please send us suggestions for topics you would like to see covered.

Next week, we will finalize the schedule, send out the bills to every attendee and provide more details about the venue via email to all registered attendees.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in a month’s time.

Aurelién, Laurent and Jochen


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